The Journal

Encourage Physical Healing After Childhood Abuse
Hypervigilance can be a by-product of childhood abuse. Even the thought of relaxing, of letting down one’s guard, produces stress, fear, and anxiety. When...

Is It Easier To Nurture Anger Than Forgiveness?
“Love your enemies” may be one of the most difficult directives Jesus ever gave his disciples. After all, it’s hard to forgive someone who...

Seeking Relief from Trauma Through Food
All trauma causes us to seek relief. The question is how will you seek that relief? People do things for one of two reasons:...

Verbal Ability in Boys
There are two hemispheres in the brain—the right and the left—and female brains appear to have more cross-talk between those two sides, which may...

Technology Creates a Hunger for Nonstop Activity
A big reason why human beings are drawn to technology is that it stimulates and activates our brains in a way few other things...

Do Your Wants Masquerade As Needs?
Who hasn’t viewed an irate toddler in a store, yelling at the top of his tiny lungs, demanding the object of his heart’s desire?...

The Need for Control in Dependent People
Somebody upstairs thought it was a good idea for Randy to show the new guy around the plant. As if Randy had the time...

Boys Relate to the World Through Motion
One study says that male brains are designed to connect perception and coordinated action, while female brains are designed to communicate between analytical and...

Remember A Spirit of Kindness in Our Quest for Strength
There’s something important in our quest for strength and courage, and that’s a spirit of kindness. Too often we teach our children the verse,...

Little Boys Versus Little Girls: The Pendulum of Separation
Given my line of work, I see the relational damage done by distinct, detached fathers. I see the physical damage done by abusive, violent...