Family Life

4 Ways to Support Your Young Adult
Young adults are still young into their twenties. Just how far into their twenties really becomes individual to each person. In general, young men...

Reducing Conflict in Toxic Relationships
Being in a relationship with an emotionally abusive person means you are constantly engaged in a battle of wills at some level. These battles...

Deepening Your Spiritual Intimacy
Just as we were created to take control of our thoughts, have a healthy range of emotions, be social beings, and fuel our bodies...

Problem Solving After Emotional Abuse
Are you working through emotional abuse and looking for ways to solve problems moving forward? I’ve developed a list of characteristics of healthy problem-solvers....

Verbal Ability in Boys
There are two hemispheres in the brain—the right and the left—and female brains appear to have more cross-talk between those two sides, which may...

Boys Relate to the World Through Motion
One study says that male brains are designed to connect perception and coordinated action, while female brains are designed to communicate between analytical and...

Remember A Spirit of Kindness in Our Quest for Strength
There’s something important in our quest for strength and courage, and that’s a spirit of kindness. Too often we teach our children the verse,...

Little Boys Versus Little Girls: The Pendulum of Separation
Given my line of work, I see the relational damage done by distinct, detached fathers. I see the physical damage done by abusive, violent...

Technology: Keeping Track of Your Teenager
“Where is Andy? Did you call his phone?” Brad was torn between frustration and concern, so he settled for both. “Of course, I did,”...

Mothers and Their Bond with Children
Few would disagree that, on average, most moms tend to spend more minutes per day with children than do most dads. Especially for young...

Around the Dinner Table with Your Children
As a general rule, most nights per week, your children need to eat at home with the family. Hot, nutritious meals with a variety...

What is Your Relationship with Technology?
One of our local television stations runs a morning show in which I occasionally participate. Usually I speak about mental health issues or how...