
Is It Easier To Nurture Anger Than Forgiveness?
“Love your enemies” may be one of the most difficult directives Jesus ever gave his disciples. After all, it’s hard to forgive someone who...

Technology Creates a Hunger for Nonstop Activity
A big reason why human beings are drawn to technology is that it stimulates and activates our brains in a way few other things...

Mothers and Their Bond with Children
Few would disagree that, on average, most moms tend to spend more minutes per day with children than do most dads. Especially for young...

Finding Gratitude in Moments of Inconvenience
Susan walked in the door from work, looking forward to nothing more than putting her feet up and petting the dog. No sooner had...

The Concrete Recall of Boys
Boys are concrete recallers. Girls tend to attach much more emotional sensory detail to their memories, thus making the feelings associated with those memories...

Teens: Why Do I Care What Other People Think?
I can just hear some of you insisting, “I don’t care what other people think! I do whatever I want!” There is a strong...

What the Media Tells Us About Love and Happiness
This is one of the Media's favorite paths to happiness. If you can only find love, true love, you'll find happiness. Of course, Media...

How is Your Career Impacting Your Happiness?
Even with so many people engaged in academic pursuit, there is still a sizable segment of the population who foregoes postsecondary education and instead...

When Teenagers Ask “Who Am I?”
One of the most important questions that teenagers grapple with during the time of adolescence is, “Who am I?” Then, as they are answering...

What Does the Word “Support” Look Like in Your Family?
The secret to healthy kids can be found through a whole-person approach to the needs of your child. By addressing the emotional, relational, physical,...

Keeping Relationships on Neutral Ground
It was all the computer's fault, actually. If the computer setup at the campaign headquarters had been better, Jim never would have suggested that...

The Quintessential Meaning of Intimacy
In one of the most moving books I’ve read, entitled Letters to an Unborn Child, David Ireland, disabled, confined to a wheelchair and terminally...