
Technology Creates a Hunger for Nonstop Activity
A big reason why human beings are drawn to technology is that it stimulates and activates our brains in a way few other things...

Are You the Definition of a Stay-Putter?
Bill was a classic stay-putter. Almost thirty, he’d never kept a job for more than a year. In between episodes of work, he found...

What is Your Relationship with Technology?
One of our local television stations runs a morning show in which I occasionally participate. Usually I speak about mental health issues or how...

Guiding Your Son’s Choices of Books, Video Games and Movies
Lessons of struggle, perseverance, character, strength, and hope are found not only in Scripture, but also in culture. There are movies, books, and video...

Helping Children Make Healthy Choices with Technology
The American Association of Pediatrics put out a statement about how parents should interact with media, or what we call technology. Read the list...

Studying Your Son’s Multitasking and Critical Thinking
As you consider measuring the impact technology has on your son, be sure to carefully study your son’s ability to multitask, including when his...

Managing the Love Affair with Technology
Getting a novel gadget or using technology in a new way is much like entering into a new relationship. I remember when I got...

Signs Your Son Has A Technology Addiction
Boys have a hard enough time concentrating, contemplating, and reflecting -- all executive functions centered in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, an area...

Stuck in a Virtual Reality
I’ve always loved books and reading. As a kid, I could lose myself for hours in an exotic faraway place, transported by the combination...

Do Multitaskers Have ADD?
I often hear people bragging about being great “multitaskers.” However, for many of these so-called “multitaskers,” multitasking isn't about doing multiple things at once;...

The Importance of Sports and Play for Boys
An 8-Step Audit of Your Son’s Activities Among the wonderful assets available to you, as parents, to help your son build character and self-discipline,...

9 Tips for Communicating With Your Teenage Son
Have you ever sat down to have a conversation with your teenage son, and after minutes of slouching body posture, endless fidgeting, blank stares,...